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<SkiaFlatList />

Use <SkiaFlatList /> as a replacement for <FlatList /> to render a list of items.


This component uses the <SkiaScrollView /> and inherits all props from it.
Also it uses the Skia Rendering Engine so you can't use React Native components inside it.


You must know or calculate the layout and dimensions of the list items to use this list.
For text content you can use the measureText() method or the Paragraph getHeight() API.


// needed for SkiaDomApi type
import type {} from "@shopify/react-native-skia/lib/typescript/src/renderer/HostComponents";
import { Skia } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
import { SkiaFlatList } from "react-native-skia-list";
import { useSafeAreaInsets } from "react-native-safe-area-context";

// Create a Skia ParagraphBuilder that will be used to build the paragraph for each item
const paragraphBuilder = Skia.ParagraphBuilder.Make({
textStyle: {
color: Skia.Color("black"),
fontSize: 20,

export default function Test2() {
const safeArea = useSafeAreaInsets();

return (
// Provide an initialData array that can be serialized and passed to the worklet thread
initialData={() => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}
// To optimize performance for the initial mount you can provide a transformItem function
// It will be called once for each item when it is mounted the first time
transformItem={(item, index, id, state) => {

paragraphBuilder.reset(); // reuses the paragraphBuilder for each item

return paragraphBuilder.addText(`Item ${item}`).build();
// renderItem will be called whenever an item visibility changes
renderItem={(item, index, state, element) => {

const { width } = state.layout.value;

item.layout(width); // calculates the paragraph layout

const height = item.getHeight(); // gets the height of the paragraph

// element is a Skia.GroupNode or will be undefined if only the height of the element is needed
if (!element) return height;

// see the following link for all element types
paragraph: item,
x: 0,
y: 0,

return height;

useSkiaFlatList(SkiaFlatListProps<T,B>): SkiaFlatListState<T,B>

Use this hook to manage and access the state of SkiaFlatList.

const state = useSkiaFlatList({ ... });

<SkiaFlatList list={state} style={{ flex: 1 }} />


initialData?: () => T[]

initialTransformed?: () => Record<string,B>

estimatedItemHeight?: number

Rough estimate of the height of each item in the list. Used to calculate the maximum scroll height. Set a higher value than average to ensure the user can easily scroll to the end of the list. Default is 100.

keyExtractor?: (item, index) => string

renderItem?: RenderItem<T,B>

transformItem?: TransformItem<T,B>


elements: SharedValue<Record<string,RenderNode<GroupProps> | undefined>>

Contains currently mounted elements

heights: SharedValue<Record<string,number>>

Contains the height of each element

rowOffsets: SharedValue<Record<string,number>>

Contains the y position of each element

firstRenderIndex: SharedValue<number>

The index of the first visible element on the screen

firstRenderHeight: SharedValue<number>

The y position of the first visible element on the screen

lastRenderIndex: SharedValue<number>

The index of the last rendered element

lastRenderHeight: SharedValue<number>

The y position of the last rendered element

maintainVisibleContentPosition: boolean

Whether to maintain the visible content position when adding new items. Defaults to true.

keyExtractor: (item, index) => string

Specify this function to return a unique key for each item

renderItem: SharedValue<object>

Renders an item

function: RenderItem<T,B>

transformItem?: SharedValue<object>

Transforms the item data

function: TransformItem<T,B>

getTransformed: (item, index, id, state) => B

Returns the transformed item

resetTransformedItems: () => void

Resets the transformed data

data: SharedValue<T[]>

The data array

transformedData: SharedValue<Record<string,B>>

The transformed data array

tapGesture: GestureType

scrollToIndex: (index, animated?) => void

Scrolls to a specific index

scrollToItem: (item, animated?) => void

Scrolls to a specific item

scrollToStart: (animated?) => void

Scrolls to the start of the list

scrollToEnd: (animated?) => void

Scrolls to the end of the list

resetData: (newData?) => void

Sets a new data array and resets the list position and cache

insertAt: (data, index, animated?, changedHeight?) => void

Inserts new data at a specific index

append: (data, animated?) => void

Appends new data to the end of the list

prepend: (data, animated?) => void

Prepends new data to the start of the list

removeAt: (index, animated?) => void

Removes data at a specific index

removeItem: (item, animated?) => void

Removes a specific item from the list

removeItemId: (id, animated?) => void

Removes a specific item by id from the list

updateItem: (updatedData, id?) => void

Updates a data item in the list. Must have the same id as the previous item. Use redrawItem to force a redraw without data changes.

unmountElement: (index, item?) => void

Unmounts an element at a specific index or by item

redrawItem(number, T?): void

Force redraws a specific element

redrawItems: () => void

Recalculates the items in the list and (un)mounts elements as needed. Is automatically called on scroll or when the data changes.

onViewableItemsChanged: (changed, viewableItems) => void

Called when the visible items change

onTap?: (event, state) => void

windowSize?: number

Determines the maximum number of items rendered outside of the visible area in screen heights. So if your list fills the screen, then windowSize=10 will render the visible screen area plus up to 10 screens above and 10 below the viewport. Default is 0, which renders only visible items and is more than fast enough to not reveal any blank areas when scrolling.

getItemFromTouch: (e) => TapResult<T> | undefined

Returns the item at a specific touch position.
Receives the touch event as { x: number, y: number }


Result returned by getItemFromTouch({ x: number, y: number })


getItemFromTouch returns undefined if no item is found at the touch position.

item: T

The item at the touch position

id: number | string

The unique key of the item

index: number

The index of the item in the data array

x: number

The left x position of the list item relative to the screen

y: number

The top y position of the list item relative to the screen

rowY: number

The top y position of the list row relative to content start of the list

touchX: number

The x position of the touch event

touchY: number

The y position of the touch event

height: number

The height of the list item